Do you ever feel like you can't possibly deserve the blessings you have? I feel that way so much. We have a sturdy house- it certainly proved itself this summer with the tornado. Plenty of food, often too much food. A loving wonderful family and good friends. We have jobs that help us pay for everything, though I have to admit, there are more times than not that I am not so very grateful for my job. I'd love to spend all my time at home with the cats and dog, sewing or painting or cooking or any number of more pleasurable activities than dealing with lawyers and insurance companies and computers. Still, I really have nothing to complain about. My job is in no way dangerous, and my working conditions are comfortable.
This time of year, I think makes us remember even more how much we have.
This time of year I tend to keep dollar bills in my pockets because I never want to pass by a Salvation Army kettle and not put anything in. I love it when there are kids volunteering as ringers, or special needs groups who are giving their time. But the most wonderful ringer of all
stands on the corner next to a coffee shop and across from the library in our town. He has the most fantastic attitude. If you put a dollar in his bucket he sings your praises as if you had given $100. If you happen to give more, he still proclaims very loudly how absolutely wonderful you are and what a blessing you are. Last year it was terribly cold one day and he was still standing there outside the warm up shed they have for him, so I gave him a hot chocolate and a cookie along with my money. He was so effusive in his thanks that you would think I had saved him from starvation.
Today, I pulled over next to him and handed a 5 dollar bill out my window. He lavished me with thanks and said, "it's been a slow day, but now you have turned the tide!! It's going to pick up from here out! You are so generous I could stand here in my stocking feet and not feel the cold one bit! You stay here I'll watch the traffic and let you know when it's safe for you to pull out."
See what I mean?
Of course it's all for a good cause, but what else could make you feel so great, and better than a dozen other things I could spend the money on.
God bless that man.