Saturday, October 11, 2014

Rustic Bread

This is the easiest bread you will ever make.  AND it's darn good too!

3 cups of all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp instant yeast (please use the instant, don't ask me why)
3/4 cup plus 2 Tab lukewarm water
6 Tab mild flavor lager (I used Corona actually, then I just finished what was left in the bottle)
1 Tab apple cider vinegar
natural veg oil spray or shortening

In a large bowl, whisk the flour, salt and yeast,
Add the liquids and mix with a rubber scraper, just push it all together until you get a shaggy ball of dough. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it sit on your counter for at least 8 hours up to 20 hours.
Dump dough onto a lightly floured counter and knead it about 20 times.  Take a big piece of parchment paper and spray it with the veg oil spray or brush it with shortening. I'm pretty anti chemicals in my food and I found a spray from Emeril that doesn't contain all that plastic crap.
anywho, now make a ball of the dough and put it on the paper seam side down and lift the whole thing up and stick it in your Coquette.  Oh yeah, spray it with more oil or just brush some on top. Then cover it with a towel or plastic wrap or what have you and let it rise for a couple hours. 
Take the towel or plastic wrap off and put the cover on your Coquette and set it in the oven with the rack in the middle.  Turn the oven on to 425 and leave it alone for 40 min.  Then go in and take the cover off and bake it another 15 to 20 until the internal temp is 210 degrees.  I have found that this is the best way to see if bread is done.  I used to do the thump on the bottom to see if it sounds hollow but the temp is the most accurate.
Pull the bread out by using the paper edges and set it on a cooling rack for at least 20 min.  You may have to leave the house at this point so you aren't tempted to hack into it anyway.
My plan was to have a picture on here to show you, but alas my new laptop doesn't want to play nice with my new cellphone and they are refusing to share photos.
You'd think they were kids!


  1. OK I give:
    co·quette noun \kō-ˈket\
    : a woman who likes to win the attention or admiration of men but does not have serious feelings for them

    What did you use?

  2. Also known as a Dutch oven I think. An enameled cat iron covered pot.

  3. Sorry! Cocette! Spell check is my nemesis!
